Friday, May 4, 2012

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Weeding : A Metaphor For Life

Yesterday, I spent all morning and afternoon digging out weeds on the hill that runs next to our driveway. I have the blisters, sunburn, and screaming muscles today to prove it.

While I was weeding, I was getting more and more jealous of my next door neighbors, who hired a bunch of people to work on their back yard, pour a concrete curb, and in the middle of my weeding nightmare, a big 18 wheeler pulled up and unloaded 9 pallets of gorgeous green sod in their back yard. I was miffed. That's cheating, you know, and here I am, going on 5 hours of non-stop weeding on a hill that borders BOTH of our driveways. And who do you think will get to do it again when it gets weedy a few weeks from now, hmmm? (mostly I was irritated because it wasn't my back yard being given a makeover..) It's a solitary sport. But I digress.

Then, I started thinking. While I was weeding this eyesore, I came to a realization. There's a lot of time to think while weeding, you know. And it occurred to me that weeding is a lot like being the parent of a special needs child. Just hear me out. Weeding, much like attending an IEP meeting, or taking a child to yet another specialist/therapist/allergist is a pain in the butt. But you do it because you know you'll be happy that it's done. In ideal situations, you'll be able to look back on the effort you've put in and smile with satisfaction. It's inevitable that you'll have to do it again. But, once you do it the first time, it's really just about maintaining the result. You may come out of the experience a little battle weary, a little crankier, and both weeding and IEP meetings can contribute to the need for ibuprofen. But there's the knowledge that you accomplished it once already, so you know youj're capable of doing it again.

There ya go. Weeding. It's a metaphor for life. And that, my dear Monster House addicts, is your deep thought for a Friday.

Happy weekend, everyone!

The uber awesome image in this post ironically originates from , via the Google images.