Thankfully, only an hour and a half of my life has been spent in this way, and I have accomplished a lot! Guess what, y'all! Logan and #6 are going to school starting this Thursday! Yay! This calls for a happy dance of epic proportions.
And now.. the information y'all have been waiting for. The new addition to our family. Everyone, allow me to introduce you to Mighty M. She's the Daddy's daughter from a previous marriage... not an infant, requires NO diaper changes, sippy cups, or burping, and the Monster House is proud and happy to welcome this 21 year old to our ranks. Everyone show Mighty M some love... we sure are thrilled to have her with us. I'd apologize for all the "It's a Girl" stuff, but it was just too dang fun to be sorry for.
Fun things happening this week on the blog. I'm all kinds of re-focused now, after welcoming Mighty M, riding the waves of evil stomach flu with #6 yesterday, and sitting on hold this morning. Can't wait to get back to working on the blog.
Happy Tuesday, everyone!
Cartoon by Google Images
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