Here are the updates:

As for our Mighty M... wow! That woman puts me to shame. We are working together to get the house all spiffy in preparation for the Fall and all the fun Holidays that come with it. We're tackling all the big jobs I never have time for. It's been a little scary to see everything that's been unearthed here, but I swear, it's worth it! The walls have all been washed (!!!!!), the kitchen cabinets are all being cleaned out and wiped down, the refrigerator has been scrubbed inside and out, we're still bottling awesomeness from the garden, and total house carpet shampooing begins tomorrow while the Daddy and his big, muddy boots are out of town on business. The cleaner the house gets, the lighter my spirits are. I might even... wash. the. windows. Live in fear.
#1, #3, #4, and #5 are being their amazing selves. Drama club, after school study group, yard clean up, weekend visitations for #5, play dates, sleepovers, ... it's been just CRAZY! So here is the question of the day. When the weather starts to change.. and you start to feel a warning of a little tingle in the air~ not quite fall, but Mother Nature sending out her version of a "Save the Date", do you get in the mood to get the house and yard in order before having to winterize everything? I'm weird. I get all addicted to working outside after the winter, and the appeal of working outside stays through Summer. Fall though, means Holidays and big extended family dinners and all kinds of yumminess being created in my kitchen. I want to start all that off with a happy, clean house. How do YOU do it?
AND, lastly... breaking news. Jackson did great with his first day of IViG treatment! Today is his second day of the two day infusion. Take a minute to leave Gina, Jackson, and the rest of the Special Happens family a little message on twitter, facebook, or her blog. She's not only starting his rounds of treatment this week, but is also attending a CNA course 4 nights a week for 4 weeks to keep medicaid happy. She is a fierce Momma!! Show the love.
Images used in this post by Google images
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