The night before a school day is always the best, because we talk to Logan and #6 about what we will do when they wake up. We will have breakfast. We will get dressed. We will get in the car and go to school to see Miss Patty and Miss Erica and Miss Nikki. No, Momma and Mighty M will not leave. Yes, we will have snack. Yes, we will play. Yes, we will see the kids. And all through the bed time routine, Logan says over and over and over (until we are ready to rip out our hair) "I go to skoo!" and "Skoo when I wake up?" and "Coco go skoo. Logan go skoo. Momma go skoo. Daddy not go skoo. Daddy go work." I think the kid is liking skoo.
This whole "skoo" thing is huge for us, because every single thing about it is new for Logan and #6. Remember, we've been home bound most of Logan's life. They have never been in a group of kids their own age. They have never had to share toys with anyone but the other monsters. They have never had a group learning session until now. They had never been inside a school, much less a classroom full of a riot of color, toys, sounds, and people they've never seen before in their lives. They had never walked in a line, taken turns washing hands with a bunch of other kids, or learned at a kidney shaped table. And yet... they have embraced it! Know what's even more amazing than that? They are in a four year old class... they are the only three year olds there... and they are keeping up. They are understanding. Certainly their speech skills are not on par with the other children. And they are the only ones that never go in the line for the restroom, since they are not potty trained yet. But that has not been an issue at all.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again and again. Children amaze me with their resilience, their ability to learn, grow, and adapt. It's a beautiful thing to behold.
Another momentous occasion this Tuesday... my #4's first day back to school since our crisis began last week. She is very brave. She is fierce. She is my hero. We have an agreement. She will go to school with us when we take the monsterlettes. If, when preschool is over, she feels too overwhelmed to continue with the day, she can come home. Thank you to everyone for your good wishes and kind thoughts. I'll ask you to continue with them as she learns how to heal, and as we learn how best to support and help her. Your support has been a huge blessing for us all.
Images in this post by Google images
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