If you want to help The Momma Project, but cannot make a monetary donation, there are several options:
Donate airline miles for the flight from Las Vegas to San Diego.

Blog about The Momma Project. You can link to the page above, and direct questions to frazzledmomma@livingwithlogan.com

Post a link to The Momma Project on your facebook wall to spread the word.

Tweet about #TheMommaProject as much as you can. The more people that do this, the more exposure there is.
Remember, we don't have a lot of time to raise these funds... our fundraiser ENDS on July 27th. Anything you can do to help us get more exposure would be greatly appreciated!
In other news, we have a winner for the BlogHer Conference pass that Gina from Special Happens sponsored. Congratulations to Amber Ayers (@AutismSupermom)!
Lastly, remember Bobbie Mauss, Deeds' mother? She just had ankle surgery last friday and is having a rough time with the stomach flu. As if recovery weren't bad enough, she can't run to the bathroom with each bout of nausea, AND... no showers, because she's in a big 'ol cast. I'm sure she would love a happy get well soon tweet or facebook post.
Thanks SO MUCH to all who have already blogged, retweeted, posted to facebook, and donated. I couldn't do it without you!!
Images in this post by Photobucket, of COURSE!
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