Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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Attack of the Killer Caterpillars

Logan has developed a phobia in the last month or so. He absolutely cannot tolerate bugs of any kind. He will start stomping and crying and shriek "Scary bug! Scary bug!" over and over and over until it is annihilated. The bug, no matter the variety, must be squished into oblivion~ preferably with guts splattered everywhere- before he will calm down.
bug Pictures, Images and Photos
No matter what we try, the child freaks out. Although, the bug you see above made him laugh. He said it was a "Siwwy bug" and in fact kept getting out of bed at nap time to see said "Siwwy bug". Well. Of course he did. Now watch, the child will be completely over his phobia because I found a bug animation for my blog post. (Yeah... right.)

Anyhow.. back to the story... Our back yard has been over run this Spring by creepy little caterpillars. Every night there are literally hundreds of these nasty things all over the sidewalk out  back of the house. Come morning, birds from miles around come over for a breakfast buffet. Thinking they are fleeing to safety, the idiot worms shake it on over to the sidewalk, where Logan eagerly waits, ready to spew worm guts all over heck with his tiny, sandaled foot, screaming, stomping and shrieking about the scary bugs, as if the things were 11 feet long and trying to take over the Earth. Yick. It doesn't help that Notorious #5 shrieks "Death to the Callapidders!" every time HE sees one, either. (stomp, stomp, stompitty stomp) However, try to remove Logan from the scary bugs and save his life? Not a good plan. He has full blown melt downs if he sees a bug and is not allowed to massacre it. Which is worse? Letting the child shriek and scream because there are bugs, or making the child shriek and scream because you won't let him turn the bugs into little wet spots on the pavement?

And now, addicts, this is the point at which you offer brilliant suggestions to the Momma to help Logan overcome his fear. Truthfully? Logan saw a ladybug the other day and I thought he was going to have a heart attack. Help? Please? lady bug Pictures, Images and Photos

Oh! Hey....I could give the boy a fly swatter and a bee keepers' helmet with the netting tent thing for his birthday in June. Yeah, you're right. That's just tacky. What about hip waders?
images and animations by photobucket, of course!