Saturday, April 2, 2011

Vote for my post on Mom Blog Network

Hypothetically Speaking...

Let's say you're a very VERY tired parent of a special needs child, or more than one special needs child. Let's say you have other children as well, who do not have special needs. Let's say you get an average of 1-3 hours of sleep a night, and on REALLY good days, you can sneak in an hour for a nap when everyone cooperates. Let's say there is no such thing as respite care for parents of special needs children in your area. Let's say your insurance doesn't even have a code for what you need. Let's say you've exhausted every possible way to find someone privately who would come in for 2 hours a day, 2-3 times a week and tend your child(ren) so you can sleep, shower, clean the house, or do laundry. Let's say you've been looking for such an option for over a year. Let's say that the closest thing you can find that will fit your needs (a privately hired RN) is so far above your budget and your needs, the thought is laughable..

But, you'll continue to do the research, and the paperwork and the phone calls and you'll burn the midnight oil, stopping only to switch bags of intravenous coffee products. And then, one night, in the middle of a caffeine haze, you think, "HEY! I could create something like this! I could gather a bunch of people with experience in child care,home health, nursing students that need practical credits, social work interns... and bring them together, and create what we need!"

So. You have this brilliant idea. You have willing people. Now what?
PAPERWORK! Of COURSE! Can't forget that! So. Let's say you were in charge of all this. You're the boss. What are you looking for? What would you teach the warm bodies taking up space in your living room, waiting for your brilliant instruction? What are the things most important to you, when looking for someone to assist you with your special needs child(ren)? For what length of time would you instruct them, before allowing them to learn about your child's specific needs? Would you ever allow them to be with your child without you? Lay it on me! I want to know!

Hypothetically, of course.....

 All photos in this post are provided though photobucket, of COURSE!