So.. I'm looking at my planner ( I LOVE paper planners. They keep me sane), complete with stains from the bottom of my coffee cup one day when I couldn't find a coaster. Note the very huge printing on the 18th, with a box around it.
Oh. What's that you say? This is a significantly crappy picture because I took it with my phone, and you'd like to know what it says? Of course you would. Let me help you with that.
I'm telling you, that coffee stain gives my planner such character, don't you think? Oh, yeah. I had a point to make. Right. Back to the story. Tonight is my child's play. It is heartbreaking to me that she knows any number of things could happen that would prevent my attendance to the play she has been working so hard on. Logan could have a very bad allergic reaction. There could be a meltdown. The Daddy could get home late from work. #3 could have a flare up of his impetigo. Logan could have a fever. All of these are very real. Things having to do with Logan have happened, nearly every time there is a special thing my precious #4 is involved in. And this makes me cry. A lot. Last year, she was in Missoula's Pinnochio. I got to see it!!! It was wonderful.. incredible. The way these kids all practiced like mad for four days and then put on a production... Wow.
This year they are doing Treasure Island. I hope, beyond hope, that come Tuesday ( because Mondays are Deeds Days, you know), I have a gazillion and one pics and video to show you of her play. Please, please, whatever powers that be... please let me be able to see my child's play.