That's right, Monster House addicts, Bubbe has found twitter! You can follow her at @LogansBubbe. Now. Pay careful attention to this part. She will not be on twitter all the time. Bubbe has things to do, places to go, bubbelehs to love! So, she will be there for the FIRST time on Saturday. If you follow her, please don't get upset if she doesn't follow you back right away. She will.

- auditory issues
- how to teach special needs children new skills
- diet
- living with autism and balancing the needs of the whole family
Furthermore, we'll have Deeds' parents at the twitter party on Saturday to provide updates on Deeds and to answer questions you may have for them.
This twitter party will be buckets of fun, and a great way to welcome Bubbe, while helping Deeds.Any help from my blogging buddies to spread the word would be greatly appreciated! Let's show Bubbe how much we love and appreciate her, and lets help Deeds get more of the funding his family desperately needs.
So remember, head on over to twitter this Saturday night at 8pm MST. Say hi to Bubbe, ask your questions, and help Deeds. It's going to be AWESOME!
Want to be more involved with this twitter party than just blogging about it?
Shoot the Momma a DM @ihave7monsters
DM Deeds' Momma @dog4deeds
email me here at frazzledmomma@livingwithlogan.com
Tweet away, my addicts, tweet away! Let's get a BUNCH of people involved in this party and make it a roaring success!
Hey Bubbe! So excited you'll be on twitter from time to time AND that you'll be here fore the twitter party! I'm going to have to come back with some questions for you....nice to see your face!!!
So here's my question....how can I possibly teach my son to stop saying STUPID. It spills out of his mouth at every chance. Would this be considered under the category of 'new skill' or ABA? If not, I'll come up with another question. BTW, we have tried to ignore it and it's gotten worse.
I won't be able to make it to the twitter party as I'll be out of town. (Yay dentist appointment for kids.) But I'll be thinking of you. :)
Fantastic Blog.
I am now following you! I can not wait to read more.
Please follow back at
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