I had the pleasure of interviewing Emily Lopez, the gorgeous little girl in the picture above, who is the mastermind behind Lemonaid 4 Autism. I read a story about Lemonaid 4 Autism months ago, and when I found her on twitter (@lemonade4autism) I simply HAD to follow! You can find more here , on the cutest, and one of the most inspiring sites I have EVER seen.
And now, without further ado~ here's the interview Q&A, with all answers by Emily, unless otherwise specified.
Emily, will you tell my readers a little about yourself? And now, without further ado~ here's the interview Q&A, with all answers by Emily, unless otherwise specified.
I am in the 5th grade My fav. color is Orange, I love to skateboard and play with my friends. I love school every min! I love to help with my sisters kindergarten class and I love Math! I wish kids could be nicer to each other in school. When I grow up I want to be a Lawyer and Go to Pepperdine UNV.
Would you like to tell my readers why you're my guest on Living with Logan today?
I came up with this Idea when I was 5 I wanted to do a Lemonade stand but mom asked If there was a charity I would like to give it to. And I thought of my older brother who was having a rough time with school and life. I never got to go shopping much or do things socially. Sometimes still I am shy but it is for my brother and my fans who live with Autism daily. I can speak even though it is soft . I can speak for kids who can not.I have been doing this for almost 2 years now. because I could not hold one until I was 9.Lemonaid 4 Autism is more then Lemonade and collecting money. I love to inspire people and help. I really would give my lemonade for free if I could just for Autism. I have met so many amazing people. Like Holly Robinson Peete, Kathy Ireland, and more. I have helped so many amazing foundations like The A. Skate foundation , Surfers healing, and more. I love doing this! We helped a nonprofit start a stand in the Pacific Palisades For the Friendship circle.
Are there ways for people to donate to Lemonade for Autism if they don't live in the LA area?(Answered by Emily's Mom, Carrie)
We are currently filing paper work to become a non profit. So right now when we have a stand you can make a check directly to the foundations. Once we get eenough money ourselves to fund a non-profit we will collect money on our Web site.
How can I help you with Lemonade for Autism? Can I advertise for you, or post a button like the ones on the right side of my blog? Tell me what *I* can do for *you*
Just when we have our stands this summer/spring If you can tweet it . Or we would be more then happy to have you put a button up. You can use any picture from our site or if they are too small I will send one
Tell us about upcoming events and places the stand will be appearing (answered by Carrie)
We have a stand coming up Feb. 27 at the Claremont Village Farmers Market 8am-1pm. This will be for Surfers Healing. We also have more one in March and a possible Fashion show but no dates have been confirmed or anything. Once I get dates I will let you know. Also if anyone is interested in allowing us to stand in front of their business or go to an event, they can email me loveforautism@yahoo.com
1 comment:
What an awesome little girl!! Thanks so much for sharing the story.
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