I love to read. I read to calm down before sleeping. I read for research reasons. I read for entertainment. I become frustrated when I can't find a real book to learn about something for Logan, or the next in a series I am reading. And yes, I even have authors that are my favorites. I read EVERYTHING they write.
I willingly and freely admit that I have an addiction to *GASP* "smut". I like the love story. I like the fairytale. Yes, I do know that none of this romantic fiction exists in real life. This would be why it's called "reading for entertainment". I'd rather read a book than go to a movie. I am a certified book worm with strong nerdy tendencies.
I am also a food addict. I love to bake and cook and create wonderfully fabulous new things to eat. Here's my confession. I have not TRULY baked in almost a year. There is the occasional batch of Tollhouse cookies, or one of the monsters will whip up brownies from a mix. We did, of course have the whole pie experiment, but really, that wasn't baking as the Monster House knows it. I used to bake 5 days a week, everything from cookies, cakes, and pies to crackers. Yes. Crackers.
The Daddy has taken my food allowance away and proclaimed himself the grocery shopping King, so I couldn't even start the Twelve Days of Bread. I think that was his master plan all along. And so.. I must read about deliciousness and culinary creations. This is how truly nerdy I am.
Diane Mott Davidson is my book worm/ culinary skill hero. She writes CULINARY MYSTERIES! I heart this author! AND, she has recipes in the book. Oh, yeah. I gain weight just by reading. There are thirteen books in her Goldilocks series. I cannot encourage you enough to read them. Here's a little teaser:

Another favorite author is Fern Michaels. It's all about the revenge! She wrote the Sisterhood series, and holy cow, it will be a LIFETIME appreciation for me. This isn't revenge just for the sake of revenge. This is revenge, carefully planned and carried out by a group of women, against seriously disgusting atrocities. They measure out justice to the bad guys. AND THEY DON'T KILL THE BAD GUYS! I get all hyper and full of righteous indignation when I read these books. The Daddy gets a disgusted look on his face. Tee hee!!

Okay. I think I'm done fantasizing about the books now. I have a stack of them to read this weekend. But I HAD to share. And if, by chance, I have peaked your curiosity and you want to check these books out yourself, the image links below the pics will hook you up! Or, just run down to your local library!
Have you read Fat: An Appreciation of a Misunderstood Ingredient, with Recipes? It's not a novel, but it definitely qualifies as food porn.
That worm IS so cool! I can completely understand why the kids would run around screaming to see it again! :) Reminds me of Jerry McGuire
Show Me the Worm!!
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